Exciting News for Uniti Med
Uniti Med is thrilled to announce its achievement in being certified as a Great Place to Work for 2024! This marks Uniti Med’s second consecutive year of attaining this esteemed certification. The Great Place to Work certification is a testament to employers fostering exceptional employee experiences. It entails employees participating in surveys and questionnaires regarding the workplace environment. The results serve to distinguish companies with exemplary cultures and aid prospective employees in selecting workplaces they aspire to join.
The Heart of This Place
“We’re really excited about getting the Great Place to Work Certified certification 2 years in a row. We prioritized creating an environment where our employees have an engaging workplace that improves their life and provides more than just a job,” said COO and President Chris Sund. ” Our employees are crucial to Uniti Med’s culture, and we’re excited to see how much they care about making our workplace great. Whether it’s the laughter shared in the kitchen, the supportive pats on the back during challenging times or the collective cheer for every win, big or small. They are not just our employees; they are the heart of this place, making an exceptional workplace.”
Exceptional Workplace
92% of employees surveyed said that Uniti Med was a great place to work. 99% of Uniti Med employees felt good about the ways Uniti Med contributes to the community and how Uniti Med made people feel special by celebrating special events. When it comes to starting with the company or starting a new position 97% of new employees were made to feel right at home. We are proud of the efforts we put into our employees and really do lead the company with heart, which makes a difference.
The Most Important Piece
“It is every company’s responsibility to know their employees, to show gratitude, recognize them, and provide opportunities for growth and development.” Micaela Zimmer, Director of Culture explained. “Every employee should walk into the work knowing they matter, because they are the most important piece.”
To read more about how Uniti Med received the Great Place to Work certification visit here. To read a out the 2023 certification visit here.

Uniti Med celebrates second consecutive year of attaining Great Places to Work certification.