Rural Hospital Staffing Specialists
At Uniti Med Partners, we understand that critical access hospital staffing is a huge obstacle for rural hospitals. Based in Omaha NE, Uniti Med is situated in the heart of rural America. We recognize staffing has been an issue in rural hospitals and long-term care facilities since well before the pandemic. As a total talent management and critical access hospital staffing agency, we offer a portfolio of healthcare staffing solutions, including UnitiNursing, UnitiAllied, Uniti Long-Term Care, and our locums anesthesia group, Recruiting Resources.

This passion is in large part why the Wall Street Journal recently featured a Uniti Med recruiter, Justin Jacob, in an article on meeting the staffing needs of America’s Rural Hospitals. Placement often requires a creative approach since many small communities cannot compete with the high bill rates the industry has seen in recent years. Justin has successfully placed several nurses in rural areas by selling the lifestyle instead of the paycheck.
Need Help Finding Staff?
Are you need of staffing resources at your rural facility? Contact us if you need assistance with nursing, allied health, or CRNA supplemental staffing.