The Uniti Med team sends traveling nurses and Allied professionals to premier healthcare facilities across the country. In this ongoing series, we do a Q & A with our travelers to learn more about their unique experiences and adventures from wherever they are. Today, we are spotlighting Sydney, one of our Physical Therapist Assistants. If you’re getting the itch to join these nomads, reach out to one of our recruiters today!

Traveler Sydney Garber with her recruiter, AJ Ellerbee, on a field trip to the Omaha Zoo.
What is your current assignment?
I am currently working at three different nursing home facilities within the same company.
Where is your assignment located?
I am living in Osceola, Iowa!
What do you like most about being a traveler?
This is my first assignment as a traveling Physical Therapist Assistant. I’m enjoying learning from different clinicians and exploring in a new town.
What’s the biggest challenge you have faced while working on the road?
So far the biggest challenge has been adjusting to being on my own with my dog and expanding out of my comfort zone.
What’s your favorite memory so far from your time in Iowa?
When I decided to come to a place where I did not know anyone I was intimidated and scared. I could have let those feelings stop me but I decided not to let them. I joined an app called “Bumble BFF” to make friends in the area. I made a great friend who has shown me Des Moines, and making memories with her has been the best part of my assignment.
How has Uniti Med supported you in your journey?
Uniti Med has been very helpful with this transition all the way through. I could not have found a better company. I have been working with AJ who has been so thoughtful and honest. I was lucky enough to be within driving distance of AJ’s hometown on this assignment, we met at the Omaha Zoo and had a blast!
What tips would you give to new travelers?
- Do your research
- Explore all you can wherever you are
- Have an open mind to new learning opportunities
If you could travel and work anywhere, where would it be?
At this point in my life I have the opportunity to be an open book. I am excited to explore, work and live in different parts of the country and beyond! This is truly a unique experience and I intend on taking full advantage of every aspect each assignment has to offer.