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Travel Healthcare Compliance: 3 Must-Have Requirements

Want to start traveling? We’re breaking down the compliance requirements that you need to get started!

The rush of traveling begins the minute a contract is signed. From organizing travel plans, to scoping out must-see attractions in the area, travelers could have a lengthy honey-do list. Let’s go over a few of the must-have compliance items to get you better prepared and start your assignment off on the right foot!

Importance of Licenses and Certificates

Dust off the diplomas, certificates, and accreditations because we’ll need those licenses! Licensure is one of the most important components in compliance. This covers both modality-appropriate licenses and BLS/CPR certifications. Your license will need to be active (not expired) and in good standing to be accepted.

Keeping Your Health in Check

While you’re gathering your license, be on the lookout for those immunization records your parents have been holding on to “just in case.” We will need documentation of Hep B, MMR, Varicella, and Covid vaccinations. Depending on your modality and facility, some of these immunizations can be declined, but it never hurts to over deliver. Along with immunizations, we will get you set up at your local clinic/doctor’s office for a couple other housekeeping items.

Evaluating Your Competency

A third, and very important, compliance item is competency exams. Your compliance specialist will assign these to you based off your modality. These exams will help sharpen your skills on Joint Commission mandatories, healthcare ethics, and your role as a healthcare provider. Don’t stress! These exams are quick and painless!

On the outside looking in, compliance can seem like a big task. But with determination and the help of a rockstar Uniti Med compliance specialist, your compliance file will be complete before you know it. We are ready to help you get compliant and stay compliant throughout your entire time with Uniti Med!

If you want to learn more about the job opportunities available, have one of our recruiters reach out to you!

By Ellen Collins, compliance specialist
