Nurses Week Nominees
Thank you to all those who submitted nominations to our 2023 Nominate a Nurse contest. We had so many amazing stories come our way. We are so excited to announce this year’s winner Mindi! She will be receiving an Apple Series 8 Smart Watch. Read on to learn more about Mindi and some of our other fabulous nominees!

Mindi is truly a nurse you want to have by your side if you’re hospitalized. She encompasses the whole package of what you want in a nurse. She has a heart of gold that truly shines in every patient. She treats every single patient she takes care of as if they’re her child. Mindi is compassionate and caring and ensures patients that everything will be okay. She advocates for her patients to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes. Mindi constantly seeks out learning opportunities to better educate herself and stay current with her nursing practice. Mindi orients almost every new hire to the pediatric pre op/ pacu unit at St. Joes. She is the smiling face you want to see when you are new somewhere. She is the voice of wisdom you want to hear when you are in the hospital. From saving a baby’s life while in the parking lot (literally) waiting for her Uber to constantly staying late and picking up OT shifts selflessly, Mindi truly is the total package in nursing. She never gets the recognition that she so desperately needs, and I hope this nomination will show her how truly amazing and appreciated she really is!
My mother dedicated over three decades to nursing. She worked hard and she took exceptional care of her patients. My mom recently passed, and she has never been recognized for her dedication. She has never been one to seek the limelight. I just wanted someone to know what a great nurse, teacher and human she was. My mother would visit the hospital as a patient and wouldn’t tell anyone she was a nurse because she didn’t want to add any additional pressure on anyone. My mother’s efforts have yielded two nurses in her younger sisters. A nursing student/cna in me her son. And several grandchildren in the healthcare field.

This nurse has worked her way from LPN to a master’s prepared nurse, starting out in Geriatrics and then working her way into Med-Surge. I will never forget as a new nurse how she trained me and looked out for me. She never let anyone bully me; striking down the “nurses eat their young” statement. She has high standards for patient care. She was once called the Warden by some CNA’s, because she only accepts the best care, for her patients. Her head-to-toe assessment is so thorough, addressing every system of the body. She is strong, but fair as a leader. I am so grateful to have worked with her the first year I came into nursing. She is a blessing to the field and a very rare commodity. Choose Sheva, she is an excellent advocate for patient-centered care.
Isaac is a phenomenal nurse. He is the type of nurse who no matter what position he holds, he will step on the floor and help anyone. He will give the shirt off his back just so someone else can have. He is a hard worker, reliable, trustworthy, and supports his family to the fullest. This man works 12 -16 hour shifts every day at the hospital in the emergency room department. He has five kids and three grandchildren living, one who just passed away eight months ago at the age of two. This family has been through hell and deserves a break. That is only to mention one incident that has happened let alone the very serious others. My heart breaks every day for this family and Isaac goes above and beyond as a nurse to support his family. This man is a rock and deserves every part of being recognized.
This is a nurse that devotes 200% to the nursing profession. She has been a nurse for 30 years in LTC, HHC, MDS, and wound care roles. Her most recent accomplishments are contingent her education from RN to BSN and then on the heels of that undertaking, completed a course for nursing home administrator, all while employed full-time. She is one of the hardest-working nurses I know! She has been a mentor and leader in this profession and in general a dedicated, smart, and compassionate nurse for her whole career. I cannot think of another nurse I know who deserves to be recognized than this one!
Sandra has been a nurse at Windham Hospital for over 45 years. First as an ICU RN, but then the unit turned to PCU and she stuck around. Is that dedication or what? She is everything people look for in a great nurse. She shows her patients respect, kindness, emotional support, empathy, time management, and compassion, are just a few that came to my head. She exhibits strong communication skills to the patient, families, Drs and coworkers. She is a great resource for newer nurses, with her years of education, training and practice, and Sandy loves to help them out. She’s a great team leader with excellent critical thinking skills and great organization. That too is another great quality Sandy has, attention to detail, which lets her and her coworkers deliver exceptional patient care. Many patients and families comment on Sandy’s wonderful personality and care she delivers. Her love for nursing shows each and everyday she comes to work with her smile on her face. She’s the best!