Tell us about yourself.
I love to travel and experience new adventures. I am an avid reader and a love everything Bravo.
What do you love about your position?
I love working for a company that is transparent and trustworthy. Uniti actively works every day to be one of the Best Places to Work and it is no surprise they won that award! They work day in and day out to provide a safe and positive working environment for everyone both internally and externally
What drives you at work?
A Subaru 😊
What makes Uniti Med a great destination for potential travelers?
Uniti Med put travelers’ best interest at the forefront of what we do. We provide fantastic benefits and support to out travelers. If I was a travel nurse or allied professional, I would without a doubt pick Uniti Med to be my travel company!
What differentiates you from other recruiters?
I truly treat people as human beings verses just another number. My direct an honest communication style help travelers understand the recruiter/ travelers relationship is a partnership build on a foundation of trust and communication. I specialize in a consultative style approach to recruiting to help educate empower travelers to find the right contract to best fit their needs.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Back to Rome
Favorite Quotes:
Do your best and leave the rest it will all turn out right, some day or night.