Job Search



Jamie Zarlingo

Brand Designer


Tell us about yourself.

I’m married to my best friend, and we have two kiddos – a boy and a girl! We also have two cats and two dogs. Our home is very loud and busy, but we love it. Outside of Uniti Med, I am a wedding and family photographer and videographer which takes up a lot of my time. When Iʼm not working, I love to read, spend time with my family and friends, go for walks, and binge watch The Office.

What do you love about your position?

I love the freedom I have to be creative and come up with new ideas to help our recruiters and company succeed with social media and marketing efforts.

What drives you at work?

My family is my number one inspiration, but I am also driven by my desire to help our traveling healthcare professionals. If I can do anything to make their lives a little easier or their travel experience more fun, then I did my job right!

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I would love to see Hawaii and Alaska! Outside of the US, Ireland and Italy.

Favorite Quotes:

“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.” – Jonathan Larson
“You have no idea how high I can fly.” – Michael Scott