Job Search


Tell us about yourself.

I’ve been married to my best friend and love of my life, AJ, for almost 15 years. We have two delightful kiddos and they are the reason behind everything I do! In my free time, though, I love doing anything crafty – knitting, sewing, and embroidery, to name a few of my favorites. I also enjoy cooking, baking (and eating), kayaking, and traveling. Rounding out our family is our own little zoo: we have two dogs, a cat, a gecko, and two guinea pigs!

What do you love about your position?

I love meeting new people every day, hearing their stories, listening to their goals, and helping them dream up a way to make it all come together.

What drives you at work?

I’m a natural “helper” personality, and it fills my cup when I can do something meaningful for others. The partnership between traveler and recruiter puts me in a position not only to help my family, but you and yours, too!

What makes Uniti Med a great destination for potential travelers?

Uniti Med is a great destination for travelers because we are truly focused on our people and making sure we set up great assignments for everyone. The environment in the office is truly a family atmosphere – it’s supportive, upbeat, and kind – and I know that our travelers can feel it, too.

What differentiates you from other recruiters?

I have a healthcare background myself, and have worked in hospitals alongside some amazing professionals, both staff and traveler. I had the opportunity to help out in the COVID unit at my community hospital in 2020 and 2021, so I’ve seen some of the difficult situations that our hardworking professionals deal with every day. My experiences have given me some perspective and behind-the-scenes knowledge of what goes into those 12-hour shifts day in and day out.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I’ve been fortunate in life to have done a fair bit of traveling, but I’ve never been to Australia, and I’d really like to take my family there sometime!

Favorite Quotes:

“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” – Henry David Thoreau.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

3 Things On Your Bucket List:

1- Discover the ultimate mac and cheese recipe, 2 – Take my kids to see the ocean for the first time, 3- Retire somewhere warm and lie on the beach for the rest of my life