Job Search


MacKenzie Fisher

Danielle Mayer

Allied Client Manager

Tell us about yourself.

Married my high school sweetheart (fun fact: we met in Mexico) Momma to 2 crazy, wild boys: Lincoln: 5 & Landon: 2, 3 dogs: Lexi, Enzo, and my fav Archie 😊, Love to travel-anywhere with a beach is a win!, Charcuterie board and board games are a weekly thing!

What do you love about your position?

Getting to keep a fingerprint in the healthcare industry by building impactful relationships with our clients. Travelers play a vital role in hospital operations; I love getting to be a part of that.

What drives you at work?

1000% my family, I love working hard to provide for my family. Work hard, play hard 😊

What makes Uniti Med a great destination for potential travelers?

You’ll never be just a number at Uniti, I am blown away by the time and dedication our recruiters put into each traveler!

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

Hard to pick! My top 2 on my bucket list: Nairobi, Kenya at the Giraffe Manor, going on a Kenya safari would be a dream OR Zakynthos Greece, Shipwreck Cove is breathtaking!

Favorite Quotes:

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain” – Dolly Parton
“I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.” – Louise Hay