Job Search


MacKenzie Fisher

Casey French

Nursing Client Manager – Team Lead

Tell us about yourself.

My wife (Ashley) and I have been married since 2017 and have three amazing kids. Elijah, Esmee and Shepard.

What do you love about your position?

I love working with our vendor partners and hospitals directly. Being able to build strong relationships with our clients and helping them fill their needs is a challenging yet very rewarding task.

What makes Uniti Med a great destination for potential travelers?

Uniti Med is able to provide top notch customer service to all of our travelers. Once you take an assignment with Unit Med Partners, you will wish you made the move sooner.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I am a huge foodie, so I would love to go on an international vacation inspired by authentic cuisines from around the world…but a nice beach in Bora Bora wouldn’t be too bad, either!

Favorite Quotes:

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way, like an improv conversation….an improversation.” – Michael Scott