Job Search


Melissa Nguyen Bio Photo

Carrie Ausdemore

Nursing Manager

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Tell us about yourself.

I have currently been in the Industry for 7.5 years. Born and raised in Omaha, NE and went to Wayne State College where I played softball and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. I worked in child welfare for 16 years before coming into staffing. I thought I was going to be a police officer, but quickly realized that was not my path. Once I got into Sales I knew that this is where I belonged. I enjoy the grit and determination it takes to be successful . Having my nurses turn into my friends has been so rewarding and I love getting to know them on a personal level. 


What do you love about your position?

Helping others feel as if they have accomplished their personal goals. I also love working with others who match my energy!


What makes Uniti Med a great destination for potential travelers?

Uniti is putting travelers first. You will always have the support you need from your recruiter to your compliance person we all support you! 


If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

Mexico- it is my favorite place in the world.


Favorite Quotes:

“Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.” —Margaret Thatcher
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes.” –Peter F. Drucker
“I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” — Margaret Mead
“It’s not about money or connections – it’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.”  —Mark Cuba


3 things on your bucket list:

Buy a place in Isla Mujeres Mexico 
Own a Yacht
Buy an Island where my entire family could live on together